Sunday 12 February 2012

Arrived early today, with about an hour's sleep over the past two days...    and started right in with our orientation.   It's such an amazing group we have here - people from all over the world and all across IBM.  There are 12 of us on the team, from Australia, Brazil, Japan, Germany, Netherlands, the U.S. (2), Korea, the Philippines, Colombia, Hungary and France.  As my mother very smartly noted, even if we weren't in India, it would be an amazing experience simply living together for the next month - a true lesson in global politics and social issues.  But add in India and the amazing clients we're working with and it's that much more amazing.

Our team is staying at the Deja Vu Guesthouse in Coimbatore - we take up all of the rooms, so basically have the place to ourselves.  The staff is great - extremely accommodating and friendly.  Most of them speak at least some English, but there's also a lot of sign language going on :)

Here's an overview of the IBM Corporate Service Corp Program

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